MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets

    Explore local


    While ambitious far-away riding locations are put on ice we make the most of our local routes and we can’t deny that we are utterly spoilt for choice. Sitting in the heart of the Valtellina valley with Lake Como at one end and the notorious Stelvio at the other. In-between these sweet spots there are a plethora of roads, paths and tracks, waiting for us to explore. A few weeks back we got together with some friends and set out to discover hidden gems with a local road ride. A short but meaty climb packed with just enough hairpins, mixed in with winding roads, through tiny villages full of character and nosey locals. Just how we like it. Followed by a flowing descent with stunning views of Lake Como. After meandering up and across the mountain it’s back to town and time for lunch. Valtellina style. Pizzocheri and sciatt. Followed by coffee in the square. 


    Images: @Chiara Redaschi

    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets

    Expore local it’s a simple recipe that can be applied anywhere. 

    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets

    Explore local. It’s the new travel far.

    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets

    Get inspired and explore more.

    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets
    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets
    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets
    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets
    MET Helmets Specialists in road cycling helmets


    Grazie per la visita,

    lo Staff MET si è preso una meritata pausa e le spedizioni riprenderanno a partire dal 20 Agosto.
    Buone pedalate!



    Ci prendiamo una pausa per recuperare, ricaricarci e prepararci a dare il meglio nel nuovo anno.

    Gli ordini verranno comunque processati, ma le spedizioni riprenderanno il 7 gennaio.

    Grazie per la vostra pazienza e vi auguriamo delle feste piene di avventure ⛰️🌍