The MET Quality Policy has the following main principles:

    • Always keep a high satisfaction level of the interested parties, in particular that of our clients;
    • Support the involvement process and mutual communication between people, in particular within the employees and the co-workers;
    • Respect the safety standards of the different countries where our products are sold, besides all the certification requirements;
    • Constantly update technological solutions;
    • Pay special attention to the structural and functioning quality of the respective products, besides the required standards, through additional testing.


    The certification according to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard constitutes the strategy of competitiveness and qualification on the market, as well as the evidence of MET efforts to constantly meet the satisfaction of all interested parties, such as clients and suppliers, owners, employees and co-workers. 
    Within the activity development policy, MET guaranties the following:

    • A model of enterprise organization able to ensure high and competitive level of knowledge and skills;
    • Interaction with the appropriate clients and partners with the purpose to bring value identifying at the same time current and future requirements in order to ensure the company success;
    • A high attention level in the operating mode and professionalism through training and research activities.


    The MET Quality Management System is based on a risk-based thinking approach, which allows the organization to determine the factors that would generate a deviation of the processes of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, and to take preventive measures to minimize the negative effects and look for the best opportunities. The President and the Chief Executive Officer are committed to ensure that this Policy is understood, shared, implemented and performed by all its employees and co-workers and shared with all the interested parties as well.


    Each one who is responsible of the system performance works on common intentions and objectives with the commitment to create the best conditions so that all, employees and co-workers, can achieve the objectives defined by the Quality Management System. All that allows to align strategies, processes and resources to achieve the objectives set by the company. 
    This document has been shared at all levels in the organization, by exhibiting it in the notice board as well as publishing it on the company website in order to make sure that all employees, co-workers and all interested third parties are well informed. Based on the general principles, as mentioned below, measurable objectives have been defined to allow monitoring during the Management revisions and constantly improve the efficiency of the Quality Management System.



    • Pay maximum attention to identify and satisfy the requirements satisfaction of people, in particular, clients, employees and co-workers;
    • Operate in respect of the context;
    • Constantly improve the quality of products and services offered in order to obtain positive results either on the economic side than in terms of excellence and reputation of the company on the outside, achieving the client and suppliers satisfaction;
    • Ensure an adequate professional experience availability to the interested parties and the relevant market;
    • Ensure a constant process of enhancing, motivating and support the professional growth of staff;
    • Respect the requirements of the Quality Management System and provide to keep it in a constant application;
    • Continually revise the Quality Policy to ensure that the people, in particular employees and co-workers, understand it completely and keep applying to its contents, that the interested parties are always informed about the development of the relevant context of the company.




    Grazie per la visita,

    lo Staff MET si è preso una meritata pausa e le spedizioni riprenderanno a partire dal 20 Agosto.
    Buone pedalate!



    Ci prendiamo una pausa per recuperare, ricaricarci e prepararci a dare il meglio nel nuovo anno.

    Gli ordini verranno comunque processati, ma le spedizioni riprenderanno il 7 gennaio.

    Grazie per la vostra pazienza e vi auguriamo delle feste piene di avventure ⛰️🌍