The clock represents rationalist beliefs of quantity, without reflecting the true picture of a perception of time defined by quality. We live moments, not minutes. Joyful days on the bike flash by in seconds, while the final hours before the weekend seem to stretch out for months.
    Whether you prefer to go upwards, sideways or downhill, get more time on trails.


    05:45 AM
    Kevin Miquel, Liam Moynihan
    Parachute MCR
    May 29th, 2019
    BLUEGRASS Golden Eyes Trail Helmet


    08:12 AM
    BLUEGRASS Golden Eyes Trail Helmet
    BLUEGRASS Golden Eyes Trail Helmet Liam Moynihan


    09:37 AM
    BLUEGRASS Golden Eyes Trail Helmet Liam Moynihan
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0806
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0628
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0692
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D2287


    11:28 AM
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0894
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D2243
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0963
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1007
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1017
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1784


    01:17 PM
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1274
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1359
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1379
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1385
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1391


    02:45 PM
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1314
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1886
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0563


    05:10 PM
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0519
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0333
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D0341


    07:27 PM
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D1933
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D2036


    08:12 PM
    MET Parachute Scotland H1D2044
    MET Funandgo Trekking and City Helmet
    MET Funandgo Trekking and City Helmet


    Grazie per la visita,

    lo Staff MET si è preso una meritata pausa e le spedizioni riprenderanno a partire dal 20 Agosto.
    Buone pedalate!



    Ci prendiamo una pausa per recuperare, ricaricarci e prepararci a dare il meglio nel nuovo anno.

    Gli ordini verranno comunque processati, ma le spedizioni riprenderanno il 7 gennaio.

    Grazie per la vostra pazienza e vi auguriamo delle feste piene di avventure ⛰️🌍