Bluegrass Trophy of Nations

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Bluegrass was at the roots of the Enduro, pushing this format with a tour that remains for all famous.

    Once again, Bluegrass was at the roots of the first race that awarded UCI jersey: the Bluegrass Trophy of Nations powered by SRAM.

    And what a first! Tackling the iconic stages, the teams of nations, industry and amateurs battling hard. 

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Drama and joy!


    Drama when Kevin Miquel (SUNN Enduro Team) broke his hand the day before the race while training.


    Joy when Isabeau Courdurier (Intense Mavic Collective) proudly received the gold medal, her Legit Carbon at her feet!

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    This hard race was also the expression of what makes the Enduro so special: fellowship and sharing.

    In that spirit, we were pleased to reach the 11 spot with our Bluegrass Factory Team! Composed by two journalists and Liam Moynihan, we’ve spent a weekend sharing and living an unprecedented experience.

    Tom Garcia (Endurotribe) and Brian Gerow (Singletracks) were supported during the race by Julien Mandin, the mechanic of Alex Fayolle in DH World Cup.

    You can already find the article on Singletracks here.
    Stay tuned for more – and mark the date for next year.

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure
    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Bluegrass Factory Team line up!

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Brian Gerow into stage 1.

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure
    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Liam had a flat early stage 1. He did manage to fix it and do stage 3 with a torn tire.
    But he had to swap it back in the pits.

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    How to store the Legit Carbon cheeck pads and the Magnete Lite!

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Tom did a strong performance and was still pushing hard during the last meter of the race.

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Ace race! Brian Gerow.

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure

    Julien Mandin.

    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure
    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure
    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure
    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure
    Bluegrass Stories Trophy of Nations 2019 Finale Ligure


    Danke für Ihren Besuch.
    Das MET-Team macht eine wohlverdiente Pause, und die Lieferungen werden ab dem 20. August wieder aufgenommen.

    Viel Spaß beim Radfahren!


    Wir nehmen uns eine Auszeit, um uns zu erholen, uns neu zu fokussieren und im neuen Jahr unser Bestes zu geben. Bestellungen werden weiterhin bearbeitet, aber der Versand wird ab dem 7. Januar wieder aufgenommen.

    Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und wir wünschen euch eine abenteuerliche und frohe Weihnachtszeit ⛰️🌍