MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano


    Team Disorderly Habits rides Milano

    Welcome to the Vigorelli, the historic velodrome of Milan that has been recently renovated and it’s just beginning its second life.
    It’s track day and we’re just two days away from the last rhc of the season, the seventh milan edition.
    For the first time trimble racing managed to give the chance to rhc riders to enter this track temple.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    It’ s a perfect chance to catch up with riders from the teams we met and rode with over this year:
    Cykeln from RHC Brooklyn, 5th Floor from RHC London, and 8bar at the RHC Barcelona.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    This time around, we share our adventures riding through the busy streets of Milan with the french team, Disorderly Habits.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano


    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano


    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    We met the team in the Madama Hostel Bistrot, in the south of the city near the new Fondazione Prada.
    After a coffe we began our ride toward Porta Romana.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Here’s Louis, who went through a busy year in his private life, where he had to battle between his idealistic ideas and the reality of the life choices he was making.
    On sunday his results were not as good as last year, but he still managed to finish in the top thirty, an excellent achievement.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Saturday’s Red Hook Crit is the last race of the championship, and also the last of the season for this team.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    “The team has ended a first season which was a success.
    A success with ups and downs, sport wise and human wise, but with drive and resilience we kept on pushing to find our true identity.”

    Team Manager IVAN SAID.

    “In this positive state of mind the team arrived the day of the race realistic and respectful about the level of the riders this year.
    Our goal was to give one last push and of course to bring everyone safe back home,”

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Paul had a very good year, racing in a total of about 30 criterium.
    He won a french national challenge title, and took a sixth place in the dutch crit championship after missing half of their races.
    On race day he did what what he knows best from experience, assure a solid qualification spot.
    He has not missed a red hook crit final since he started racing about two and a half years ago.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Nicolas broke his collar bone earlier this season in Germany, and was not able to get back on his bike and train until about six weeks ago.
    He put in some serious work once he was able to ride again, and in the end he missed a winning spot by six riders this last crit,
    which is still excellent considering what he had to recover from in such a short time.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano


    One of milan’s most beloved and beautiful historical places, the canal port closed in 1979 when the last boat left its load of sand on the dock of porta ticinese.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Pierre had a difficult season interrupted several times by injuries and his studies which were more important for his future than his cycling results.
    Anyway he always showed great heart and hard work, despite failing race after race.
    Despite not qualifying for the last chance, he finally had some fun and reconnected with some good sensations.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    “For the managing team and the media team, it was like every Red Hook, busy and intense,
    we barely had time to enjoy the event due to our responsibilities towards our sponsors and the brand but the love for what we do,
    the Milanese Pizza and beer treated us pretty well.”

    Ivan Says

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Nicolas and Louis are now roommates, and have decided to take a serious shot at cycling,
    training in a structured environment while working as messengers for a famous food delivery company.
    It will be really interesting to see what they will bring to the table next season.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Paul has made great progress physically and technically and we expect him to improve his mental strength during the off season,
    which he lacked a bit in the final, but who wouldn‘t going at a insane 47 km/h per hour in the dark separated from the guys in front of you by a mere 10 cm.
    We are excited to see what he can bring next year to the table as he is becoming a strong rider months after months.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Disorderly Habits, not only for the boys!
    Apolline is a valued team member, but unfortunately she was not able to make it to Milano
    as she was completing a semester abroad in Canada which she needed to graduate.
    She’ll be back next year, however.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano


    We went to Santeria Social Club for the race packs pick up.
    The guys were registered in different qualifying groups, pierre in six, nicolas and louis in group four and paul in group two.

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Some nice shots during the ride, racing each other and trying to impress the Milanese ladies!

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano
    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Disorderly Habits loved Italy, and plan to racing here more often next year.
    We can’t wait for their next visit!

    MET 2016 Red Hook Criterium Milano

    Photos and words by


    Danke für Ihren Besuch.
    Das MET-Team macht eine wohlverdiente Pause, und die Lieferungen werden ab dem 20. August wieder aufgenommen.

    Viel Spaß beim Radfahren!


    Wir nehmen uns eine Auszeit, um uns zu erholen, uns neu zu fokussieren und im neuen Jahr unser Bestes zu geben. Bestellungen werden weiterhin bearbeitet, aber der Versand wird ab dem 7. Januar wieder aufgenommen.

    Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und wir wünschen euch eine abenteuerliche und frohe Weihnachtszeit ⛰️🌍